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From Douglas Wynne :

My impressions of The Dark Tower:

I've read all of the books and (I think) all of the material that ties into the Dark Tower mythos, so I knew that no movie or series of movies was ever going to even come close to faithfully adapting what is essentially the core of Stephen King's 40-year canon. short length wedding garments in white color

Think of all the shitty King adaptations we've seen that tried to be faithful translations of just one book.

The mythology is so vast and weird that even a series of 8 feature films of the order of Harry Potter was never going to achieve that.

This movie follows the spirit of the story, not the letter, and that's a good thing. Also, it never claimed to be an adaptation of the book series but rather a sequel to it in the sense that this is another turning of the wheel.

If ever there was a story meant to be told many times in many different ways, it's this one. Let's hope the box office doesn't set back other renditions and elaborations. This is a fairly decent foundation for other permutations.

It's basically a King remix. Good beat, lotta melodic hooks you recognize.

The actors have good chemistry, Mid-world looks great, and it gets to the heart of things without being an unholy mess.

Is it a little rushed? Yes. Was it wrapped up a little too neatly for my taste? Yup. But to my mind, Matthew McConaughey was born to play some incarnation of Randall Flagg, so I was entertained.